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2023-06-27 14:24:50来源:七考网



To separate the tangled parts of;disentangle.
分开把…缠结的部分分开;把…的纠结解开To free of snarls;disentangle.
解开使…不再缠结于一处;把…的纠结解开To free from a tangle;disentangle.
解脱;解开把…从一团纠结的事物中解脱出来;解开…的缠结To entangle or catch(a rope,for example.
纠结使缠住或绊住(如绳子)but much of the jigsaw remained to be put together.
不过很多错综复杂的情况仍纠结在一起。 An interlocking or entanglement of elements or parts.
连接各因素或部分的连接或纠结The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting.
小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper, but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment
不锈钢管比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us. Trying to force us out of that Business

n. (绳、头发等的纽)结,(道路等的)弯曲

Be careful not to kink the hemp rope.
小心别把麻绳绞在一起。The insurance rate for such kink of risk will vary according to the kind.
这类险别的保险费率将根据货物种类而定The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement
其理由是分析中没有考虑钢筋的纽结。Balanced yarns are those in which the twist is such that the yarn will hang in a loop without kinking, doubling or twisting upon itself.
