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去看看的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-11 20:17:32来源:七考网


go and see

Am I supposed to get over and see Caroline ?
我是不是应该去看看卡罗琳You cannot fail to see it.
你务必去看看。Come on, let"s go check it out.
走吧,我们去看看。Look whether the postman has been yet
去看看邮差来过没有。See if the postman has come.
去看看邮差来了没有。You can check the list of duty-free articles.
你可以去看看免税物品一览表。`Has the postman been yet?" `I"ll just look and see."
`邮递员来过了吗?'`我这就去看看.'I spun round to see who had spoken.
我转过身去看看刚才是谁在讲话。We"re going to see the old part of athens.
我们打算去看看雅典的古城。Could you go and check if the baby"s asleep?

v. 看见,参看;遇见;接见;领会;设想;经历;处理或照看
n. 主教或大主教的辖区、职务或管辖权

This is positive, you see? This is affirmative, you See? This is final, you see?
这是明确的,你懂吗?这是肯定的,你懂吗?这是不容更改的,你懂吗?On seeing us, they hastened over.
他们看到我们,赶紧走了过来。 See to it personally, Commander.
你要亲自去处理,指挥官。I"ll see to it personally.
我会亲自处理的。When you see him, book!
