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超过的英文 超过英文例句

2023-07-04 15:54:06来源:七考网



above one"s head
超过...理解力 Her writing is ahead of the times.
她的作品是超过时代的。His age is over thirty.
他的年龄已超过30。Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.
算术结果超过32位。Is this inside the free allowance?
这没超过免费行李限量吧?We reduced resource costs by over 93%!
我们减少的资源成本超过 93%!There are 70 digitals on your keyboard.
你的键盘上有超过70个键。More than four thousand soldiers, sailors, and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysées.
超过四千名士兵、水手和飞行员沿着香榭丽舍大街游行。 My gardener is over seventy-five and I"m afraid he"s getting past it.
我的园丁已超过75岁,恐怕已力不从心了。I am certain that by the end of the century we can surpass the goal of quadrupling the GNP.

v. 超过,胜过;领先

They exceed us in number.
他们在人数上超过我们。 The neonatal bureaucrat system of ownership and mar ket economy not only produce the new classes,but also make them possess exces sive wealth.
新生的官僚所有制和市场经济不仅促成新阶级,也使它们拥有过量财富,这就是“阶级-财富”、“阶级-剥削”和“阶级-权力”对应原理; You should challenge the limit and exceed yourself.
你应该挑战极限,超越自我。The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual.
〞三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。〞Your remarks exceed the bounds of reason.
