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工厂的英文怎么说 工厂的英文参考例句

2023-05-31 17:06:59来源:七考网



mechanize a factory.
使工厂机械化The derelict waste of disused factories
工厂被弃置的凄凉景象.vestibule school
(工厂的)新工人培训学校Supplies of drinking water are contaminated by refuse from the factory .
饮用水水源遭到工厂废料的污染。The factory has worked successfully since its trial run last year.
工厂自从去年试运行以来,生产很顺利。The factory has decided to crowdsource some of the machine parts from other plants.
这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产众包给其他工厂。The factory has decided to crowdsource some of the machine parts from other plants.
这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产众包给其他工厂。She had asked to be shown some factories and we had just been around some of the shocking sweatshops
她想参观工厂,于是我领她看了几个骇人听闻的血汗工厂。The management decided to relocate the factory in Bristol.
资方决定将工厂建在布瑞斯托尔。The fire prevention branch inspects factories and all sorts of public buildings.

n. 工厂,制造厂

This is the layout of the factory.
这是厂区平面示意图。an inactive factory.
不运转的工厂。 This is a struck factory.
这是个因罢工关闭的工厂。The output of this factory is two - thirds larger than that of that factory .
这个工厂的产量比那个工厂的产量多三分之二。This factory is patterning a car.
