发布时间:2023-07-03 13:54:00来源:七考网
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课程简介 | 雅思7分班,针对雅思英语基础比较薄弱的学员,制定适合学员的学习计划,分项讲解雅思听说读写各大题型,帮助学员扎实基础,迅速提高英语水平。 |
招生对象 | 英语基础良好,词汇量4500-5500左右,备考时间2-4个月,希望通过集中学习重点突破,提高英语能力和分数。 |
课程特点 | 以雅思考试7分为目标,通过216个课时,首先为学员打下听说读写及词汇语法等各方面的坚实基础,然后进行强化和运用,辅之以雅思真题基础上的应试实战演练,帮助学员取得理想分数,为出国留学做好准备。 |
教学目标 | 上课程时间为周末一天,课程帮助学员能够掌握雅思各科在7分目标要求下的基本题型的答题方法;使学员达到雅思7分所要求的答题正确率;完成学员对雅思7分所对应的语言材料和语言组织方法的学习。 |
Today,more and more people use robots to do tasks at home and at work.
Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
These days,it is common that a myriad of chores and work tasks are being performed by advanced robots.Personally,my conviction is that this trend brings more beneficial outcomes than negative ones.
In my opinion,if people are replaced by robots in completing housework,there will be less likelihood that couples argue over the distribution of household duties.Both genders in this contemporary society have heavy workloads,often feeling exhausted when they arrive home.Therefore,males or females want their partner to do housework,but a consensus is difficult to reach,which triggers frequent quarrels.However,the utilisation of robots,such as floor mopping robots makes housework less of a concern,leading to a lovely family atmosphere.
In addition,I also think that employers can improve profitability with robots undertaking work commitments,and this is primarily due to the high efficiency and accuracy of robots.If robots are not used in manufacturing factories,not only do employers need to hire many people to work on the production lines and pay them salaries but also bear the costs of faulty goods.In contrast,robots can be designed to do these tasks,creating more products within a certain amount of time and minimising unnecessary costs due to human errors.
On the other hand,however,it is sometimes also reasonable to me that this trend may bring about drawbacks.In terms of individuals,they will become increasingly lazy when they are accustomed to housework finished by robots.Regarding society,because labour force is of less necessity,more people will be made redundant,which causes a higher unemployment rate and may even result in social instability.
In conclusion,I believe that although people may lack diligence and certain social issues can occur if robots are employed to finish tasks at home and workplace,yet it is easy to see that a harmonious family environment can be maintained as it is of no necessity for couples to decide who should be responsible for the housework and employers can easily achieve a reduction in running costs and a rise in gross margins.
更多培训课程: 郑州金水雅思7分强化培训 更多学校信息: 郑州金水区中孚新航道雅思托福培训 咨询电话: