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方言的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-27 17:15:29来源:七考网



Scots is the dialect of English used in the Lowlands of Scotland.
苏格兰方言是苏格兰低地使用的英语方言。Castilian dialect
卡斯提方言Lexicon of Chinese Dialects
《汉语方言词汇》The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas.
该方言主要通行于农村地区.Should dialects give way to Mandarin?
方言是不是应该让位给普通话呢?He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular.
他说的是一种无法听得懂的方言。We always had a culch box around(New Hampshire informant in DARE)
我们周围总是有一只垃圾盒(美国方言新罕布什尔郡供稿者)We always had a culch box around(bNew Hampshire informant in DARE)
我们周围总是有一只垃圾盒(b美国方言新罕布什尔郡供稿者)Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one.
根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。dialect atlas
n. 方言;土语;地方话
adj. 方言的

I mastered the local dialect.
我精通当地的方言。He is currently engaged in dialect research.
他目前从事于方言的研究。Should dialects give way to Mandarin?
方言是不是应该让位给普通话呢?His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom.
他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.