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难过的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-19 20:09:43来源:七考网


feel sorry

If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.
如果事情发生了,说话者会因为说错话而难过。Be sorry for; be regretful for
为..感到难过;歉疚I was feeling sick and squeamish.
我觉得难过,好象在呕吐。 By the time they reached home she was contrite and spiritless
他们到家的时候,她心里一个劲儿地后悔难过,老打不起精神来。She was half sorry that her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.
她一方面为了自己的机智落了空而难过,一方面又为了汤姆居然也有这么一回破天荒的听话守规矩的行为而高兴。Don"t take the failure to your heart.
别为失败而难过Her sarcasm pained him.
她的挖苦使他难过。Your denial of my request hurts me.
你的拒绝使我难过And you will grieve over that.
你也会伤心难过。He is much put about by this.
v. 感觉;认为;有知觉;摸索
n. 感觉,印象

feeling of efficacy
效力感 Has a feeling for language.
对语言有领悟力 You can feel the electricity in the crowd.
adj. 难过,同情;歉疚,惭愧;后悔,遗憾;悲惨的,可怜的;很遗憾
int. 对不起,抱歉;请再说一遍;不对,应该是

They are a sorry lot.
他们是一批糟糕的家伙。 Get back in there, or you"ll be sorry.
滚回那边去,否则你会后悔的。Sorry I"m late!
v. (使)悲伤,悲痛,伤心

To grieve and heave a sigh
惋惜嗟叹 She was grieved to the extreme.
她哀痛欲绝。And you will grieve over that.