位置:七考网 > 外语类 > 个人提升英语 > 分钟的英文缩写是什么?秒、分、小时的英文怎么写?  正文


2019-11-20 09:33:01来源:尚七网综合



读音:英 [ˈmɪnɪt , maɪˈnjuːt] 美 [ˈmɪnɪt , maɪˈnjuːt]






一、小时、秒、分钟的英文单词1.hour 小时

如果表示一小时在hour前面要用an不是a,例如一个小时之后是in an hour。每一小时是every hour,每两个小时是every two hours,每隔一小时是every other hour。

Eg:She’ll be back in an hour.


2.minute 分钟

分钟的英文缩写是min.,the minute是立刻、马上的意思。Minute作为形容词还有细微的、微小的意思。

Eg:Boil the egg for 10 minutes.


3.second 秒

秒的英文缩写是sec.,它也有片刻、瞬间的意思,a second 是一秒钟。当我们形容“一霎那、一瞬间”的时候,可以用a split second表示。

Eg:The light flashes every 5 seconds.


二、小时、秒、分钟的英文短语hang on a minute 等一下

In a minute 一会儿之后

the minutes 会议记录

the minute (that) 一…就…

not for a/one’ minute 当然不,绝不

this minute 立刻,马上

for several seconds 一连几秒钟

In a second 片刻,瞬间

In/within seconds 一下子

by the hour 论小时

per hour 每小时

lunch hour 午餐时间

hours and hours 很久很久

hour of need 需要的时候

the early/small hours 凌晨时分

hour hand 时针


One day, in the park, a lady sat on an amusement park bench and a man sat next to her. "That's my son," said the woman, pointing to a little boy who was wearing a black sweater and was sliding down the slide.


"He is a good-looking boy," said the man. "That was my son, swinging in a yellow sweater." Then he looked down at his watch and shouted to his son, "We go home, okay? Tom?"


Tom asked, "Can I play another five minutes? Daddy, OK, just five minutes." The man nodded, so Tom continued to rock the swing happily.

Tom请求道:“再玩五分钟好吗?爸爸,好不好,只要五分钟。” 这位男士点了点头,于是Tom继续开心地荡着秋千。

A few minutes later, the father stood up and called his son again: "Should you go home?" Tom pleaded again: "Father, take another five minutes, only five minutes." The man said with a smile: "All right.”

几分钟过去了,这位爸爸站了起来,再次叫自己的儿子:“该回家了吧?”。Tom又请求道:“爸爸,再玩五分钟,就五分钟。” 这位男士笑着说:“好吧。”

The lady next to him and said, "You are a patient father."

旁边的女士看到这些,说道:“ 你可真是一位耐心的爸爸。”

The man said with a smile: "Last year, my eldest daughter, Lucy, was accidentally killed.I hadn’t been with her before, and now I'm willing to pay any price, I'll be with him for five minutes and I swear I will never do the same thing with Tom. "He thinks he can play for another five minutes, but the fact is that he's given me five minutes to watch him play. "



相关内容:min 分钟的英文缩写是什么 小时的英文怎么写
