发布时间:2024-01-29 08:40:11来源:七考网
项目 | 内容 |
测评 | 包括入学测评、阶段测评、结课测评,了解学生的学习情况,动态调整学习策略。 |
规划 | 根据测评结果和学员的学习水平,为学生定制专属的学习规划和学习方法指导。 |
资料 | 为学生提供系统化的课堂辅助材料以及备考常用材料。 |
正课 | 由专业老师授课,给学生传授核心技能和方法。 |
回访 | 定期回访和反馈学员的学习情况和身心情况,做到家校合一,及时了解学员情况。 |
管理 | 监督学员的常规学习任务和随堂学习任务的完成,做好学员的学习数据反馈,科学监管学习。 |
讲练 | 课堂教学有讲有练、 讲练结合,能够帮助学生有效巩固所学方法和技能。 |
辅导 | 依托智能化学习工具,在线帮助学生进行学习管理和进行带练辅导。 |
模考 | 模拟考场环境,帮助学生检测学习效果,感受真实考试氛围。 |
结课 | 学员可申请启德奖学金;为启德学员提供专业留学服务,如遇困难,可随时联系启德教育公司。 |
武汉启德雅思一对一培训学校如何?启德考培是知名国际教育机构——启德教育(EIC Education)旗下的出国考试培训品牌,截止目前在全国有16家分校,36个旗舰校区,在美国纽约、波士顿、澳大利亚悉尼及中国上海设有研发中心,教研核心团队则由教学经验丰富的教师及毕业于世界百强名校的精英组成,启德考培开设的IELTS、TOEFL、ACT、SAT、GMAT、GRE、AE等出国语言考试课程,采用线上线下混合式教学方式,配合总斥资1500万美元研发的学习系统Prepsmith TM,为考生提供用更少时间,提高更多分数的学习课程。
● 听力:真题训练为主,强化难题突破方法;瓶颈诊断,并逐一突破
● 口语:答题思路解析;高频话题、抽象话题高阶词汇、惯用语搭配储备
● 阅读:以真题为素材,精解考试题型及审题、答题方法;词汇补充及梳理
● 写作:强化训练大、小作文思维能力;真题训练、问题诊断及突破
Some people think that old people should not be forced by law to retire at the age of 60-65 if they wish to continue working. Do you agree with this point of view?
There has long been a debate about whether old people should be forced to retire from work at the age of sixty or sixty-five, regardless of their own wishes. People in favor of this say that old people, having worked for over thirty or forty years, should not go on working. Personally, I do not feel that old people should be forced to retire simply because they are not as strong as they used to be physically and mentally.
It seems to me that no one should be forced to change his/her life style unless he/she has committed a crime. People,whether they are old or young, should have the right to decide their own way of life. Just as young people can choose to stop working and enjoy their leisure time as long as they can make ends meet, old people should also be allowed toc ontinue working, provided that they are still qualified for their jobs.
Although old people are unlikely to face physically challenging tasks, there are many jobs that are especially suitable for old people, such as jobs that call for more experience and wisdom than physical power. With their rich experience in both work and life, many old people would make good consultants, instructors, coaches, doctors and psychologists, to mention only a few.
Unlike young people who are burdened with the financial pressure of making a living, for old people there is more to work than just making money. They simply enjoy working as an indispensable part of their lives. Some of them even develop various mental and physical problems after retiring from work, and it seems that the best way to keep them in good health and high spirits is to allow them to keep working.
All in all, I believe that not only should old people's physical conditions be taken into consideration but also their psychological needs should be respected. Therefore, letting them do whatever they are fond and capable of doing will make them much happier than forcing them to stay isolated from society and endure loneliness in their twilight years.