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SAT阅读速度提升的训练 这些小技巧可以尝试一下

2018-10-31 10:25:40来源:搜狐


究其原因,这块硬骨头,早晚都要啃下来,你的痛点正是你需要刻意练习的地方。突破痛点才能成长。进一步的问题是,在备考时使用这些founding documents 有哪些技巧。


In passage 1,Douglass characterizes Banks's labor policy in Louisiana as…(主旨)

In passage 2, the main contrast Dana draws between slavery in antiquity and slavery in the UnitedStates is that in antiquity…(主旨)

Both Douglass andDana make the point that the abolition of slavery in the United States as …(观点)

Based on the two passages, Douglass and Dana differ in their views of the effect of the CivilWar in that Douglass believes that the war has…(观点)

Based on Passage1, Douglass would most likely respond to Dana's comments in … by stating that…(态度)


